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About Me.

Jenn Schuler, LMT CPT

Jenn graduated from Florida School of Massage located in Gainesville, FL. She was trained in a variety of modalities; however, she thrived in connective tissue, neuromuscular, and energy therapies. Jenn specializes in women's massage and prenatal health, with additional certifications in hot stones, pre/post-natal, reiki, integral sound healing, crystal healing, essential oils and personal training. 


She is a firm believer that body, mind, and spirit wellness are interconnected. Her style focuses to facilitate healing, not just to provide a temporary escape from the daily routine, but to promote a holistic, long-term lifestyle change.


Jenn started her journey of holistic health in 2010 with meditation and exercise. Then, dove more into therapeutic essential oils, crystal healing as well as sound healing therapies. Prior to enrolling in massage school, Jenn was the director of administration for the nation’s largest oxygen repair facility. She always had a love for helping others and wasn’t feeling she was meeting her potential. After an injury training for that year’s Spartan Trifecta races, Jenn fell in love with massage therapy. Since graduation, Jenn has worked in chiropractic and spa settings, while building her own practice.


When you prioritize self-care, you unleash a sense of inner peace that can positively affect all aspects of your life, giving you more energy and clarity.

Whether you're seeking a luxurious treat, stress relief, pain management, or overall wellness, massage therapy, movement, and other holistic therapies are a powerful ally in your healthcare regimen.


The most divine art is that of healing:

it must occupy itself with the soul as much as the body.” 

~ Pythagoras, 5th century, BCE

Chakra Affirmations

Hours of Operation

By Appointment Only

*Special events and classes may be held outside of regular business hours.

Monday: 9am - 5pm

Tuesday: 9am - 5pm

Wednesday: 9am - 7pm

Thursday: 9am - 5pm

Friday: 9am - 4pm

Saturday: 10am - 4pm

Sunday: Closed

Where to Find Me.

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